Healing hands
Many of us regularly experience the aching of sore hands. Be it after digging a trench, massaging bodies, painting fences, working on a computer, writing a book. What is common with these and many more hand driven activities is fatigued and compressed muscles leading to sore hands.
Sore hands - sore bones! What to do?
Ever heard of hypericum, or what is commonly known as St John’s wort?
A couple of drops of 100% straight hypericum oil rubbed into the hands will give relief almost immediately (and its effects last). This is due to hypericum’s anti-inflammatory properties. This plant has other noted medicinal uses including the treatment of depression and antibacterial treatments.
Easily accessible, a 25ml bottle of hypericum costs less than lunch, will take less room in the office draw or the tool-box than a box of matches, and will be there to serve when you need.
Rub it into injuries and sprains and the only thing you have to lose is the pain. Sounds good because it is!
Keep on shining!
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