Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sore and Cramping muscles

No doubt one of the most beneficial remedies for pain relief of sore and cramping muscles is a warm bath.

But when magnesium sulphate,
or what is commonly known as

Epsom salts

are added to your bath, the benefits SKYROCKET.

I’m not talking about a tablespoon or two,
I’m talking about a kilogram or two.

Soaking for a minimum of 20 minutes to a maximum of,
………………………how long can you stay in a bath?

The results will speak for themselves.

If you prefer a warm to hot bath, remember, you will sweat in the bath and internal water will be lost. This too must be replaced, so drink fluids in your bath. And for an extra dose of benefit, squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into your drinking water. This will help alkaline the body and stem the tide of acid build up.

Sometimes the old ways are the best ways. Get into it!


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