Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Improve Your Digestion

It’s not what you eat, it’s what you absorb!!!

One of the most beneficial acts to creating a pumping, vital digestive system is sitting. Not sitting on a chair (chances are if the chair wasn’t invented, your posture would be straighter, you would be two inches taller and back pain wouldn’t be so common) it’s sitting on your knees.

Sitting on your knees after a meal supports your posture as it straightens and elongates your spine. It also stimulates the stomach, gall bladder and small intestine meridians (energy channels), which as a result of this stimulation, has a beneficial and cumulative affect on your metabolic rate.

Choose a soft rug and as you go down to your knees, with your thumbs, pull your calf muscles out to the side and sit in the groove. If this hurts beyond your comfort level, put some pillows or cushioning between the back of your thighs and your calf muscles and bottom. Remember the idea is not to hurt yourself. Pain is the body’s way of telling you things are not working in harmony. So if this practice is extremely painful, you definitely need to do this after every meal.

With practice, harmony will be reintroduced as you tone your digestive system, and the need for support will decrease as your internal strength increases. As your internal strength increases, gently remove your support mechanism, i.e. your cushions.

In fact, how much it doesn’t create discomfort, will give you a real idea on how the practice of improving your digestive system and increasing your metabolic rate is working for you and paying you health dividends.

Eat for vitality people!


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