Quick and Effective Stress Relief
Here's a quick and effective breathing technique that is guaranteed to give your body relief from the built up feelings of tension and stress and improve your elimination at the same time.
The technique is to place the tip of your right index finger on the outside of your nose and with your middle finger close your right nostril. Breathe in for a slow 6 second count through your left nostril, gently pulling your breath down to the space around your stomach (the diaphragm) for the first 3 seconds, working your breath up to the space around your heart (your chest) for the remaining 3 seconds, as you silently count to yourself.
Hold your breath for a second or two, then place the tip of your left index finger on the outside of your nose and with your middle finger close your left nostril and gently breathe out through your right nostril for another 6 second count.
Keeping your left nostril closed, breathe in through the right nostril for 6 seconds and then swap sides to breathe out. Alternate nostrils and repeat the process for 5-10 cycles as your stress is replaced by feelings of calm.
Why do we place pressure on the side of the nose with the index finger?
These answers and many more that build powerfully VITAL body's are in Tri-Breath® - The Ultimate Fitness Technique book.
Some of the best stuff is often the simplest.
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