How to test your pH levels
Researches have proven that high pH levels promote protection even against cancer. So it’s vital we all understand that high acid levels in the body feed the bacteria’s that distribute poisonous substances through-out the bloodstream. This clogs the cells ability to absorb nutrients and oxygen, lowering the cells vitality and the cells ability to grow and even reproduce. If you multiply this cell sickness by the billions of cells in your body, you’ll begin to understand where many of your physical troubles begin, and where the countless names of illnesses have their root cause.
So while you’re in a scientific state of mind, how do you test your pH?
Simple! By using litmus paper found at your local chemist.
Take samples of your urine in a jar for a 24-hour period, then dip the strip of paper and compare the colour against the chart. The reason for all the samples over a 24-hour period is to get an average reading rather than a random reading that may or may not be accurate. You can also record a series of random tests and average out the readings.
More on how to alkaline your body coming up.
To your good health!
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