Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sore and Cramping muscles

No doubt one of the most beneficial remedies for pain relief of sore and cramping muscles is a warm bath.

But when magnesium sulphate,
or what is commonly known as

Epsom salts

are added to your bath, the benefits SKYROCKET.

I’m not talking about a tablespoon or two,
I’m talking about a kilogram or two.

Soaking for a minimum of 20 minutes to a maximum of,
………………………how long can you stay in a bath?

The results will speak for themselves.

If you prefer a warm to hot bath, remember, you will sweat in the bath and internal water will be lost. This too must be replaced, so drink fluids in your bath. And for an extra dose of benefit, squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon into your drinking water. This will help alkaline the body and stem the tide of acid build up.

Sometimes the old ways are the best ways. Get into it!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Quick and Effective Stress Relief

Here's a quick and effective breathing technique that is guaranteed to give your body relief from the built up feelings of tension and stress and improve your elimination at the same time.

The technique is to place the tip of your right index finger on the outside of your nose and with your middle finger close your right nostril. Breathe in for a slow 6 second count through your left nostril, gently pulling your breath down to the space around your stomach (the diaphragm) for the first 3 seconds, working your breath up to the space around your heart (your chest) for the remaining 3 seconds, as you silently count to yourself.

Hold your breath for a second or two, then place the tip of your left index finger on the outside of your nose and with your middle finger close your left nostril and gently breathe out through your right nostril for another 6 second count.

Keeping your left nostril closed, breathe in through the right nostril for 6 seconds and then swap sides to breathe out. Alternate nostrils and repeat the process for 5-10 cycles as your stress is replaced by feelings of calm.

Why do we place pressure on the side of the nose with the index finger?

These answers and many more that build powerfully VITAL body's are in
Tri-Breath® - The Ultimate Fitness Technique book.

Some of the best stuff is often the simplest.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Are you one of the many who suffer from headaches; both mild and severe, during and after exercise? The symptom of an aching head can be strong indicator that we are either mildly or severely dehydrated. A headache is generally a hot head that needs to be cooled down due to the body being short of H2O (water) and running hot.

If headaches are common for you or even for the one off, drink plenty of water with a pinch of unrefined rock salt or sea salt (sodium chloride) and try eating bananas before and after your workout. Bananas have a proven record of helping and alleviating sore heads and migraines.

There are two minerals that have prove most helpful with exercise induced headaches. These are Potassium Phosphate and Magnesium Phosphate.

Potassium Phosphate

Potassium helps regulate the water balance in the body. Working with sodium, it keeps the heartbeat regular and nourishes the muscles.

Good dietary intakes are found in...

* Green leafy vegetables
* Fruits
* Watermelon
* Bananas
* Oranges
* Mint leaves
* Potatoes
* Grains

Magnesium Phosphate

Magnesium helps the muscles relax after contraction.
Good dietary intakes are found in...

* Green leafy vegetables (chlorophyll ~ green blood)
* Fruits
* Watermelon
* Apples
* Figs
* Legumes (beans, chickpeas, peanuts…)
* Grains
* Nuts

Eat for VITALITY people

Sunday, January 15, 2006

How do your Feet Feel?

How many of us pay regular attention to the condition of our feet?

Unfortunately for the feet, not many of us! The condition of your feet has a definitive effect on the health of your body; including absorption, elimination, your metabolism, energy utilisation and simply how you feel. There’s is a reason for this.

It just so happens that located on the sole of your feet are reflex points (energy buttons) for all of the body’s inner and outer parts. In particular, there is a power-point located just around the tendon that rises up when you lift your big toe around the middle of the foot . This point relates to the kidneys.

The kidneys have numerous functions to perform in the body, with the most common and understood function being the filtering of waste products that are excreted in the urine. A not so well known function of the kidneys is to store and distribute spiritual energy, or ancestral chi. People don’t die of disease; people die because their batteries are flat. And the kidney's are like a big battery, powering your body.

So if you move with a "heavy foot", lighten up! A favourite positive affirmation I use when I walk or run is,

"I am as light, as a butterfly,
my feet barely touch the ground"

Regularly soaking your feet (and your body for that matter) in Epsom Salts will have a positive effect on how you feel. When you dry your feet off, rub some grape seed oil with a couple of drops of peppermint oil mixed in onto them.

Finish off by rolling your feet over a tennis ball for 10-20 minutes, making sure you get into all the sore points, then before you go to sleep, affirm to yourself how good you will feel in the morning. And as surely as Bobs your uncle, you will.

Look after your feet people and keep well.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Benefits of Chewing

There is a very old and wise saying that states…

"It's not what you eat, it's what you absorb!"

For optimum absorption of nutrients, food needs to be mixed with four types of saliva’s that are produced by the organs of digestion.

I. the mouth secretes saliva (ptyalin)
II. the stomach secretes saliva (pepsin)
III. the pancreas secretes saliva (trypsin)
IV. the liver secretes saliva (gall)

All solid foods must be liquefied before the body can absorb the nutrients contained within them. If solid foods are not made into liquids, the body cannot absorb the foods goodness.

As always, how we start this process of digestion is the most important, so listen to the voice of wisdom and chew each mouthful of food at least twenty times, minimum.

Remember, for optimal vitality and health, you must get the most out of what you eat, so... CHEW your FOOD!

Stay strong people.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Spider Walking

I surprised the heck out of family and friends a few years ago. I decided
to use the back yard as a gym and do some Spider Walking or Bear Crawls.
I heard the jaws drop and the startled exclamations as I zoomed past the
window with the children following and the giggles abundant.
Running on all fours at a beach, or on any large grassy area can make
unusual demands on every muscle of your body. The more muscles you
use for any activity, the more calories you use. Isolated movements just
don't have the same fat burning effect.
 It forces you to pull in your belly and stretch and strengthen your
abdomen, arms and shoulders in unbelievable ways. It isn't easy the
first few times; you get puffed out real quick, even when using the
When you move on all fours, your body makes new adjustments, changes
its centre of balance and gives you new information about the way it
works. If you're burdened with excess bodyweight, you will know all
about it with this exercise.
If you do this regularly, your aerobic, tensile and resistive strength
will escalate and you won't have excess weight for long...

Spider gallop people - your body will thank you for it.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Surviving Heart Attack when Alone

Research has shown there is something you can do for yourself if heart spasm comes a calling. Leading cardiologists agree, that if everyone who reads this then tells 10 people, and those ten tell another ten ad infinitum, odds are we'll save someone.

So read this... it could be your life!!!

It's 7:47pm and it has been a big day, a confronting day! An unusually difficult day on the job you could say. You stretch out your arms to alleviate the tension in the shoulders (forgetting to breathe out as you extend your reach) and you suddenly start to experience severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arms and up into your jaw.

Am I having a heart attack?

You’ve been trained in CPR, but the teacher who taught the course, didn’t impart how to perform it on yourself. As many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, a person whose heart is beating improperly and through lack of oxygen begins to feel faint, has barely 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

The research discovered that people experiencing these symptoms of heart attack, could significantly improve their chances of survival by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.

The deep breaths get the oxygen into the lungs and the coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm so you can call for help or you can get to a hospital.

So when you read this, share it with your friends! You don’t know whose life it could save.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Rule of 10

Here's a tip that really works.
It’s called the Rule of 10.

10 minutes after you finish eating dinner, go for a brisk walk for 10 minutes.
Do this and your metabolic rate should lift by 10%.

This is not an excuse to overindulge (for optimal digestion it is recommended only ever eating to 70% of your capacity), but could help you to lose a bit of excess fat and get a little bit fitter, slightly faster.

And for best results, keep your shoulders back, your chin up and use the Tri-Breath™ breathing and mind techniques whilst you walk!


It's a fact... You can gain, without pain.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Improve Your Digestion

It’s not what you eat, it’s what you absorb!!!

One of the most beneficial acts to creating a pumping, vital digestive system is sitting. Not sitting on a chair (chances are if the chair wasn’t invented, your posture would be straighter, you would be two inches taller and back pain wouldn’t be so common) it’s sitting on your knees.

Sitting on your knees after a meal supports your posture as it straightens and elongates your spine. It also stimulates the stomach, gall bladder and small intestine meridians (energy channels), which as a result of this stimulation, has a beneficial and cumulative affect on your metabolic rate.

Choose a soft rug and as you go down to your knees, with your thumbs, pull your calf muscles out to the side and sit in the groove. If this hurts beyond your comfort level, put some pillows or cushioning between the back of your thighs and your calf muscles and bottom. Remember the idea is not to hurt yourself. Pain is the body’s way of telling you things are not working in harmony. So if this practice is extremely painful, you definitely need to do this after every meal.

With practice, harmony will be reintroduced as you tone your digestive system, and the need for support will decrease as your internal strength increases. As your internal strength increases, gently remove your support mechanism, i.e. your cushions.

In fact, how much it doesn’t create discomfort, will give you a real idea on how the practice of improving your digestive system and increasing your metabolic rate is working for you and paying you health dividends.

Eat for vitality people!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Iron Levels and You

A new supplement industry was created when new technology changed the way we cook. It was called the aluminium saucepan. This new fangled cookware replaced the heavy yet full-of-health qualities cast iron pot. Years later it was found that we were getting quite forgetful, so technology answered the call and hey presto, we introduced the stainless steal saucepan.

This was a huge money spinner for many. The stainless steel manufacturers and interestingly enough, the iron supplement industry. But alas, the humble iron pot was forgotten.

Iron is the great ship that carries nutrients throughout the body in the blood stream. When you use a cast iron pot, which are readily available from most disposal stores for around $20, cheap as chips, you not only receive a lovely cooked meal, you also receive colloidally suspended iron in the form of iron oxide, which is readily available to be absorbed in the small intestine.

For athletes, for pregnant women (this iron will not slow down or stop your bowel motions) and for anybody interested in good health and living in a vital body, a trip down memory lane will return much more than has been invested.

Eat with vitality in mind people, and yours in good health.