How to Postpone an Un-Timely Death
Heard it all before? And along comes this from a reasonably credible source. Scientific research has now confirmed a much needed ingredient to longevity is positive thinking.
A Mayo Clinic study that spanned three decades recently released these stunning results. Researchers found that optimistic people live about 19 percent longer than pessimists. So, if you’re a pessimist and live to the age of 67 you’re loosing out on almost 13 years. The chances are very good with a positive attitude you could have lived until the age of 80!
“It’s confirmed our common-sense belief,” is what Toshihiko Maruta, a lead researcher in the project said. “It tells us that mind and body are integrally linked and that ATTITUDE has an impact on the FINAL outcome, death.”
They looked at 839 people for 30 years. Now that’s a pretty in depth study. Plus, it’s well known that pessimism can be changed. The way you think can disrupt and dispel disease, but the process must be aided by the power to visualise, and also by a capacity to handle light substance.
Personally, when I am confronted by negative thoughts about situations out of my immediate control, I practice replacing it with “I am one with life, I am holy” as quick as I can. The more you practice the quicker you can replace negative with positive.
It also confirms another old saying, “Smile for Health”. Looking at the energy channels (the meridians) of the body, all the related major organs of digestion, are in close proximity to the temporomandibular joint (the jaw muscles) –the stomach, the liver, the gall bladder and the small intestine. When you smile heaps, you gently stimulate these areas, improving digestion and “wallah –as the ancient statement states, “It’s not what you eat it’s what you absorb”.
So stay conscious of your breathing rhythm and equally distribute your implosive and explosive energy (Tri-Breath™) when you exercise, eat lots of raw fruit and vegetables to get that hydrogen into you, then rest well knowing that vitality and health are always with you.
Now there’s POSITIVE food for thought.
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