Friday, March 31, 2006

Charge-up your Kidneys

Received an email from a Tri-Breather wondering why we send the light down to our feet and what are the benefits from doing it? Many thanks for the question Mary.

Well contrary to popular belief, people don’t die of heart disease, cancer, tuberculosis, syphilis or any other disease. People die because their batteries are flat. And the kidneys literally are, your “body’s battery”. If there is no power in the batteries, there is no power to pump (the heart is your pump) blood around your body. Thus the great truth in the ancient saying “Blood is Life!”

In Chinese medicine, this kidney power is called kidney chi. For those of you who are interested in further extending your battery life, I have published 10 ancient kidney restorative exercises (with many a tonic recipe using easy to access natural products) in the Sexual Health for Men e-book. All exercises can be practiced by women though one may be a bit messy due to anatomical differences.

By consciously using the most powerful of all the mental processes, the creative imagination, and distributing your own self-generated white light (while practicing the 3-step, the 5-step or the 7-step) down to the soles of your feet, you activate a major pressure point. This major point on the soles of the feet is related to the kidneys and called Yang Chuan or Kidney 1.

The “Bubbling Spring” as it is sometimes known, or the “Spring-of-Life”, rightfully owns its name. Everybody knows that when your feet are sore, there is no spring in the legs, the body, or your mind for that matter. The healing potential of vitalising this energy meridian is associated with coughs, vomiting, asthma, dryness of the tongue, and pains in the lumber region.

So keep on sending that light down there Mary and CHARGE-UP! Hope this answered your questions.


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