Thursday, February 23, 2006

Hydrogen and Oxygen

As you know, only foods that have been liquefied by the action of chewing and broken down by the four digestive juices (Your Metabolism article) can be absorbed by the body. This liquefied food is ultimately broken down into hydrogen and burned with oxygen to create the energy that powers the body. To increase your power reserves, obviously one must eat lots of hydrogen rich foods (fresh fruit and vegetables) and improve the way we breathe.

Many will profess that increasing your oxygen intake will only increase oxidisation, creating free-radicals. This is only true if the dietary intake is hydrogen deficient (you're not eating enough fresh fruit and vegetables) and the body is in a state of de-hydration (you're not drinking enough life-force rich water). If you're not doing these two actions regularly, you shouldn't be engaging in any physical or mental activity anyway.

Tri-Breath™ The Ultimate Fitness Technique will give your body the best chance to harness oxygen at a cellular level. Go check it out and while you're doing it, have a piece of fruit and a drink of water!

Stay strong!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

How to test your pH levels

Researches have proven that high pH levels promote protection even against cancer. So it’s vital we all understand that high acid levels in the body feed the bacteria’s that distribute poisonous substances through-out the bloodstream. This clogs the cells ability to absorb nutrients and oxygen, lowering the cells vitality and the cells ability to grow and even reproduce. If you multiply this cell sickness by the billions of cells in your body, you’ll begin to understand where many of your physical troubles begin, and where the countless names of illnesses have their root cause.

So while you’re in a scientific state of mind, how do you test your pH?

Simple! By using litmus paper found at your local chemist.

Take samples of your urine in a jar for a 24-hour period, then dip the strip of paper and compare the colour against the chart. The reason for all the samples over a 24-hour period is to get an average reading rather than a random reading that may or may not be accurate. You can also record a series of random tests and average out the readings.

More on how to alkaline your body coming up.

To your good health!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Power of the Mind

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod
aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of
the hmuan mind. Aoccdrnig to
rscheearch at Cmabridge Uinervtisy,
it deson't mttaer in waht oredr the
ltteers in a wrod are, the only
iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and
lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl mses and you
can sitll raed it wouthit a porblem.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos
not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the
wrod as a wlohe.

Now isn't taht cool?

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Healing hands

Many of us regularly experience the aching of sore hands. Be it after digging a trench, massaging bodies, painting fences, working on a computer, writing a book. What is common with these and many more hand driven activities is fatigued and compressed muscles leading to sore hands.

Sore hands - sore bones! What to do?

Ever heard of hypericum, or what is commonly known as St John’s wort?

A couple of drops of 100% straight hypericum oil rubbed into the hands will give relief almost immediately (and its effects last). This is due to hypericum’s anti-inflammatory properties. This plant has other noted medicinal uses including the treatment of depression and antibacterial treatments.

Easily accessible, a 25ml bottle of hypericum costs less than lunch, will take less room in the office draw or the tool-box than a box of matches, and will be there to serve when you need.

Rub it into injuries and sprains and the only thing you have to lose is the pain. Sounds good because it is!

Keep on shining!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Breathing Matters

Oxygen deficiency is a major contributor to the feelings of anxiety, stress and the onset of the disease process, leaving all of your organs, tissues, and cells (all 75 trillion of them) malnourished and devitalised. It is a proven scientific fact that no disease can live in a purely oxygenated state.

Here are a few of the benefits of "conscious rhythmic breathing".

* Conscious rhythmic breathing increases your metabolic rate, which as a direct result improves digestion and promotes weight loss.

* Conscious rhythmic breathing calms and steadies your mind, which as a direct result improves your focus, patience and concentration.

* Conscious rhythmic breathing strengthens your immune system, which as a direct result enables your body to live harmoniously within its environment, decreasing illness and disease.

* Conscious rhythmic breathing gives you the ability to lower or raise your blood pressure, which as a direct result improves your quality of living, by decreasing the fear of fragility.

* Conscious rhythmic breathing creates internal space to experience and express joy externally.

As one of our most brilliant, creative, and health conscious poets of the romantic period so eloquently put it:

“He lives most life whoever breathes most air”

-Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Shine on...