Monday, August 07, 2006

Blessing Negative Events

This was sent to me by an obviously beautiful human...enjoy and let us all practice :-)

When we witness an event which upsets us, either personally or through media exposure, there is something that we can do to positively affect our own wellbeing and the situation itself!

Remember that the only thing that lowers your vibration is resistance. Resistance is expressed as fear or judgement. You do no service to those who suffer by bringing your vibration down, in empathy or sympathy, to meet theirs, in a place of resistance.
Allowing the free flow of the life force through you raises your vibration. This is expressed in allowing and gratitude, and felt as love and joy. We achieve this flow by honouring the creations of ourselves and others.

The most positive and effective thing you can do to influence events that you are not in a position to interact with directly is to engage your compassion, and to allow a space for those whose suffering you would relieve to come and meet you energetically at a higher level of vibration.
We do this most effectively by allowing each one to have their experience and to bless it and them.

We do not always, at any given level of consciousness, have the vision to be in a position to judge any person or situation. We do not know or see the bigger picture, or how the circumstances we are witnessing came into being; we do not always know or how events might be seen from another perspective or higher level. Much is taking place in all our lives, at many levels, to clear old dense energies so that we can come into our power by saying ENOUGH! To those who oppress us; so that we can release our passion and take charge of our own creations. Often the path leads us through anger and grief and apparent loss. All this is being played out on the planet at the moment. All this is necessary, here and now, on the path through balance and beyond, to Clarity, to Sovereignty.

We are all seeking our divinity in the best way we know how! And we serve best by Allowing, by opening ourselves to the fullest flow of Light through our bodies that we are capable of in any moment; by consistently expanding our capacity to accept and to love, to flow out and to receive. We are in bodies in order to learn how to bring spirit & matter fully together as one. We facilitate this by holding the highest vision, love and compassion for all others in our hearts.

This exercise (a strengthening, empowering practice to acquire or expand skill, knowledge, virtue, grace, etc.) is done from the perspective of your witnessing consciousness, of your higher self; of that part of you that knows that you are not your thoughts, your feelings, or your body and observes that you have those tools and express yourself through them.

· Bless the victim. Simply open to your compassion and bless them, and what you’re witnessing.

· Bless the perpetrator. You are not being asked to approve, or condone in any way: just accept that you being asked not to judge.

· Bless yourself as the witness, and bless all others who also witnessed this. This is important in letting the energy flow through you.

Use the blessing as you watch TV or in other situations. If you’ve witnessed something lately that has upset or disturbed you; close your eyes, remember the event, and apply the blessing.
Then revisit your remembering. Does it feel different? You just made that change in the energy flow of the world. Remember that everything that is done consciously is worth a million that are done in ignorance. At that rate we only need 66,000 fully conscious, fully responsible souls on the planet to create the New World! Go for it!

With love & many blessings, Shely Tae’En © 2006